MTA Exam Voucher with Proctor
- Microsoft Technical Associate Exam Voucher
- Proctor to Administer the Exam
- Valid for 1 Full Year
Can Be Used for One MTA Exam from the following list of exams:
MTA Developer Exams
- 98-361 (Mandatory to earn MTA Developer Certificate)
- 98-375
- 98-381
- 98-382
- 98-383
- 98-388
- 98-349 (Mandatory to earn MTA IT Infrastructure Certificate)
- 98-365 (Mandatory to earn MTA IT Infrastructure Certificate)
- 98-366 (Mandatory to earn MTA IT Infrastructure Certificate)
- 98-367 (Mandatory to earn MTA IT Infrastructure Certificate)
- 98-368
- 98-364 (Mandatory to earn MTA Database Certificate)