MTA Retake Exam Voucher with Proctor
- First Attempt Microsoft Technical Associate Exam Voucher
- Second Chance to Pass a Failed Microsoft Technical Associate Exam
- Proctor to Administer the First Attempt Exam
- Valid for 1 Full Year
Can Be Used for One MTA Exam from the following list of exams:
MTA Developer Exams
- 98-361 (Mandatory to earn MTA Developer Certificate)
- 98-375
- 98-381
- 98-382
- 98-383
- 98-388
- 98-349 (Mandatory to earn MTA IT Infrastructure Certificate)
- 98-365 (Mandatory to earn MTA IT Infrastructure Certificate)
- 98-366 (Mandatory to earn MTA IT Infrastructure Certificate)
- 98-367 (Mandatory to earn MTA IT Infrastructure Certificate)
- 98-368
- 98-364 (Mandatory to earn MTA Database Certificate)
This is for test candidates who want the safety of writing an MTA exam a second time without the expense of a whole new voucher should they fail the first attempt. In order for the retake option to work, test candidates must adhere to the following conditions:
- The MTA Retake Exam Voucher with Proctor must be purchased for a specific exam prior to writing that MTA exam
- The second attempt must be used on the originally assigned exam and can not be transferred for use with another exam and must be used within 30 days of the original exam date
- Although the test candidate is not required to pay for a second MTA exam voucher, they are required to pay $40 for a proctor to administer the exam prior to taking the retake exam